
Valeria  Rosich

Founder & Designer.

Hello, I’m Val, a Multimedia Artist who has recently focused on developing the concept of Botanical Jewelry, as a practical tool that offers us the opportunity to cultivate a more intimate relationship with Nature.

Currently I'm in the process of expanding my work to different expressions of new and alternative fashion, with the intention of creating pieces for exhibitions and life shows that can encourage us all to reflect on ~fast fashion~ and invite our imagination to create solutions that rescue a more conscious and responsible humanity for future generations and the Earth.


My history

Now based in Gainesville Florida, I was originally born in Caracas, Venezuela; a city-valley immersed in the tropical environment of North-South America, and consider myself an all-time admirer of Nature. With a critical political and economical crisis, I migrated to the US with my family at age 17 and started developing a deeper spiritual and emotional connection with Nature that helped me access a sense of belonging to the world.

In 2018, this path took me to Swallowtail Farm, a local organic farm that grows seasonal veggies and flowers in North Florida. I became a full time apprentice and the daily exposure I had to Nature then, revitalized my creativity and inspired me with the challenge of finding new ways to share the wonders I found on the fields with a broad audience.

This is the initiative that founded Flores de Miel. By the time I finished the apprenticeship program at the farm, I had already experimented different preservation techniques and started exploring Jewelry making. Realizing how practical, yet personal, this format can be as a way of approaching the beauty of Nature on a daily basis weather you have the time and capacity to be outside or not.


Today I continue to enjoy a close relationship to my surroundings, as I forage and gather the materials for my pieces. This practice keeps me accountable on continuing to prioritize time outdoors, and every collection is inspired on the seasonal changes of Nature.